Offshore Staffing Services

We can staff a project team offshore that works entirely under the direct supervision of our clients’ project management. The offshore resources function as a part of the onsite client team and report to the onsite client manager.

The 'critical mass' criteria for going offshore has come down dramatically as offshore management processes and procedures have matured. Smaller projects can benefit from the cost savings of offshore development. Because the largest Indian firms focus on 'mega-deals' with large business clients, they would not be the best choice for executing small projects. RConnect’s mid-size facility is ideally situated to assist small and mid-size businesses looking to offshore.


  • Benefit of leveraging lower offshore costs without loss of project control and oversight
  • Greater speed to market with products and services
  • Qualified resources trained per client needs, if required
  • More flexibility in executing different types of work
  • Access to a large pool of high quality resources
  • Same or improved quality
  • Ability to refocus in-house staff on more strategic projects

Although the overall costs will be lower, offshore work incurs costs in several areas not seen in onsite work, such as travel, international phone calls and developer licenses.